Pixmania(Iolair) 24”, 1920x1200, P-MVA panel@ 332 € *backlight problem solved update 1.3*
did not want then to turn kukaan own from this... I will stick ite to
its beginnings, tulis, to the information of the big nation, so that
when the price would show the meeting quality also once. And that there
other displays also would get column room 1920x1200 threadissa :)
It is a question of this display: http://www.pixmania.com/fi/fi/628192/art/pixmania/tft-naytto-24-wide-mb24w. HTML
That the same thing as this would be guessed: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MO 026 OK&tool=3.
It seems that the same display is in question.
The black sells:
"tossa pictures overclockersin (in other words from the same) from display http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1031736938&postcount=9199
overclockers chain of the forumi from display: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17806175
user criticism: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10575088&postcount=582
add pictures and other: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10600078&postcount=1177
laitetaas now this also, in other words somebody had sent the aspaan of the dgm of the question with that forum here, the answer had come, Hantonilta http://www.hanton-tw.com/ vois, to be, even if, the original manufacturer of the display on the pages is not found tota, however, a model.
a device "brändättynä" is found at least with names iolair, iisonic, digimate (dgm), ocUK, pixmania
Manual: http://www.iolair.fr/catalogue/MB24W-manual.pdf
Sepksit of Iolair: http://www.iolair.fr/catalogue/MB24W.pdf
Fastening: SPROUT 75/75 (if a display comes into the second foot, the covers must be taken into pieces so that the old stub will be obtained away: http://s234.photobucket.com/albums/ee298/the-lbt/?=a actio view¤t=1 stubby-stand.jpg ) is not pixmanian apparently on this display tällästä ratkasua. In other words it is not opened to peel tartte. vilkasu taaske tells everything :)
The text (it was a sticker) at least in the cardboard box is HDCP so the display also probably contains support to it. Somebody could secure?
Own experiences: (voe y*ttu I kirjottaa kauheen and sit this, a story, s**tana sulkeutus, so shortened)
-The backlight cannot be adjusted dim enough. There is no black, lähellekkään blackens.
- 1:1 Pixel mappingia does not support
-Finish (the plastic parts look like halva :)
-Original base (other adjustments than an inclination and poor oloinen not)
-Too clear ledi (jooh the spot nussintaa) :
- The pixmaniasta of the state country (or number can order it from there, however, OCuk:ltakin has not ordered anybody yet) hurries
-Colours (except black)
-Looking corners
-Input lagi extremely small
sum summarum:
Jep jep, in other words stoori partly new. Straightforward 300e tälläsestä from the display will not be, in my opinion, too much if one knows what it gets. In other words that repetition of the black is quite weak (if somebody would make modin a pretty?) rightly:. If I blacken, an excellent display has prepared, of course, so otherwise. The flick into use would not get, of course, because of that black. Into my own use however thing worth its price.
The part may be put to the thorn of the camera of the shit (ixus 55 an automatic machine with the adjustments) but as the time haaleeta is seen, is:
A few miscellaneous pictures(720p):

More (1080p):

I do not know, those short pieces, why 1080p looks so tepid :/ N.B. those HD is after packing a stuff quite violently. In other words warezii :P
Here a few of shotti hl2 and lost coasti. 1920X1200 all high, number AA
Better camera olis yes boy :/
Now Iolair was opened then. Pictures opening in order:
1. Patient leikkuupyöydällä. Foot loose (4 screws). From bottom corners 2 screws open.
2. Translation around and irroitus of plastic edges. With the chisel head one twists so from the right sections, it comes loose quite easily.
3. Now a panel can indeed be lifted aside. Remember irroittaa the flat cable what leaves for the display from the card, a controller. The inverter stays to the right and feedings to the backlight leave from it. Here the inverter and the power source have been stuffed in the same circuit board. There is no light sensor here as pixmania promises. Empty full that hole over the display.
4. This stage is a little more difficult. Those feedings which go to the kylmäkatodi do not get loose before the virransyöttökortti has been irroittaa from the bottom of the case. The panel, however, itself cannot be lowered from that corner of 90 degrees right because those cables are liin, short. In other words a card must be held on on the second hand to the paneli and with other must be screwed loose.
5. Now one indeed will get at the panel then itself. A card off bottom of the panel (obviously singaalin is connected to the control somehow...). The Jesus tape is known apparently also in Chinese :) At this stage the only kämmi came which I confess. Those being up lattakaapelita the protected foil tape got to the tear :.)
6. It seems that there is no proper picture since this stage. Now a metal frame is irroittaa from around the panel. Päältä open 2 screws the rest of frame will and rise when one lifts edges with a chisel. After tft itself a panel can raise this away (kannta not without chick:). It is a a few millimetres thick glass and in the head the controller is again an electronics...
7. Now one frame (the figure shows already a tummennuskalvo in the space, therefore, so dark) will be again irroittaa. This time plastic blackens. One will leave extremely easily. Underneath valkosta is muddy 3 transparencies and a thin pleksi. Under Pleksi again kylmäkatodi themselves. In it that breaking indeed was. At the first time the time went quite long when one did not know immediately what next must be done. When, the otin from between too dark that transparency away for the time 45min (open and shut) went at another time.


Then I still served as a warehouse, ettimässä bilteman, a tummennuskalvo. 10-20% Pierces light which guessing was too little but something should be now tried when the display was open... In the following picture series transparency of a cutting (the first transparency was spoilt when by accident I cut it over the ink spot, a copying machine:). On there indeed are already pictures where the dark transparency is in the space. I did not keretä on the tummakalvo to catch like a few pictures of the display tolla. But dark and lifting of the clarity > 100 49% - % did not really have effect quite too, anything...

Experiment of the second transparency 1.2
Noniin now it was moved to a lighter transparency then when I reminisced about that sellastakin had to be a roll somewhere. Here the disadvantage was it, such as for example also in contact plastic that in transparency liimapinan on that kind of a paper. In that tummennuskalvo one had had viritellä, the transparent transparency so not. The available utensils did not become another to the mind like A3 in it, lamination plastic of the size. Also those were too small and 2kpl should be made and yes, an end of the result noticed it (the seam stayed between those 2 transparencies... :). In other words the transparency again left well out of the display, pikaseen. However, the one to be observed was that kuvatummeni from own mind conveniently. In other words a solution of the same style tollasta liimapintasta without the transparency would be an extremely good alternative.
Here pictures of the inverter if a wise one would know to where it could put the trimmer in-between so that a backlight could be quite rightly adjusted...
Project exchange of the foot:

BACKLIGHT 1.3 by ps86
Doddii and now ps86 has been at last found rautarakaisu in the action to too clear that backlight.
Discount codes pixmaniasta: Pixfi071201 and Joulua7 (over 300e from the purchase 7e away)
As payment alternatives; VISA, Mastercard, Solo, PayPal and account transfer. With the account transfer the transfer of money takes moderately long. In an own section 6 days (3 banking days) went.
Delivery costs pixmaniassa is 14 9e kustilla will promise within 3-5 days with ordinary. ON UPS 34,9 € will and promise within 1-2 days.
Does the order hold? http://keskustelu.plaza.fi/muropaketti/bbs/t514699,120#m1701539994 2vk will go by throwing if, chosen an account transfer and the slowest delivery. See that link so, it may take a long time, an indication.
Pistäkääs a display you already probably get praises and submissions here. Willingly with pictures. Somebody also could throw the Input lagista, shotit.
Good stated placings:
http://www.quickgamma.de/indexen.html (to the adjustment of the gamma)
http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ (the testing of placings a page)
http://www.easyrgb.com/calibrate.php?k0=index.HTML (a testing a page)
Vellu-83: (V.3 a panel)
Brightness 49 %
contrast 49 %
RED 62 %
BLUE 62%
Vellu-83 the second adjustments (edited gamma also):
gamma: (it seems that kys affects this. a display controller?) these adjusted quickgammalla
Brightness 52 %
Contrast 39 %
Blue 63%
Green 61%
Red 63 %
Miika: (y.3 a panel)
Brightness 35 %
Contrast 50 %
RED 65 %
BLUE 65%
Kolisp: (y.3 a panel)
Brightness 49 %
Contrast 40 %
Red 56 %
Green 54%
Blue 57%
gammas: (adjusted nvidian control from the paneli)
Red 36 %
Green 40%
Blue 47%
formaldehyde: (y.0 a panel)
Brightness: 49%
Contrast: 49%
Red: 62%
Green: 58%
Blue: 67%
e: typoja is its sights quite a lot there between the text. We shall take peas from them if one likes...
It is a question of this display: http://www.pixmania.com/fi/fi/628192/art/pixmania/tft-naytto-24-wide-mb24w. HTML
That the same thing as this would be guessed: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MO 026 OK&tool=3.
It seems that the same display is in question.
The black sells:
"tossa pictures overclockersin (in other words from the same) from display http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1031736938&postcount=9199
overclockers chain of the forumi from display: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17806175
user criticism: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10575088&postcount=582
add pictures and other: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=10600078&postcount=1177
laitetaas now this also, in other words somebody had sent the aspaan of the dgm of the question with that forum here, the answer had come, Hantonilta http://www.hanton-tw.com/ vois, to be, even if, the original manufacturer of the display on the pages is not found tota, however, a model.
a device "brändättynä" is found at least with names iolair, iisonic, digimate (dgm), ocUK, pixmania
Manual: http://www.iolair.fr/catalogue/MB24W-manual.pdf
Sepksit of Iolair: http://www.iolair.fr/catalogue/MB24W.pdf
Fastening: SPROUT 75/75 (if a display comes into the second foot, the covers must be taken into pieces so that the old stub will be obtained away: http://s234.photobucket.com/albums/ee298/the-lbt/?=a actio view¤t=1 stubby-stand.jpg ) is not pixmanian apparently on this display tällästä ratkasua. In other words it is not opened to peel tartte. vilkasu taaske tells everything :)
The text (it was a sticker) at least in the cardboard box is HDCP so the display also probably contains support to it. Somebody could secure?
Own experiences: (voe y*ttu I kirjottaa kauheen and sit this, a story, s**tana sulkeutus, so shortened)
-The backlight cannot be adjusted dim enough. There is no black, lähellekkään blackens.
- 1:1 Pixel mappingia does not support
-Finish (the plastic parts look like halva :)
-Original base (other adjustments than an inclination and poor oloinen not)
-Too clear ledi (jooh the spot nussintaa) :
- The pixmaniasta of the state country (or number can order it from there, however, OCuk:ltakin has not ordered anybody yet) hurries
-Colours (except black)
-Looking corners
-Input lagi extremely small
sum summarum:
Jep jep, in other words stoori partly new. Straightforward 300e tälläsestä from the display will not be, in my opinion, too much if one knows what it gets. In other words that repetition of the black is quite weak (if somebody would make modin a pretty?) rightly:. If I blacken, an excellent display has prepared, of course, so otherwise. The flick into use would not get, of course, because of that black. Into my own use however thing worth its price.
The part may be put to the thorn of the camera of the shit (ixus 55 an automatic machine with the adjustments) but as the time haaleeta is seen, is:
A few miscellaneous pictures(720p):

More (1080p):

I do not know, those short pieces, why 1080p looks so tepid :/ N.B. those HD is after packing a stuff quite violently. In other words warezii :P
Here a few of shotti hl2 and lost coasti. 1920X1200 all high, number AA

Better camera olis yes boy :/
Now Iolair was opened then. Pictures opening in order:
1. Patient leikkuupyöydällä. Foot loose (4 screws). From bottom corners 2 screws open.
2. Translation around and irroitus of plastic edges. With the chisel head one twists so from the right sections, it comes loose quite easily.
3. Now a panel can indeed be lifted aside. Remember irroittaa the flat cable what leaves for the display from the card, a controller. The inverter stays to the right and feedings to the backlight leave from it. Here the inverter and the power source have been stuffed in the same circuit board. There is no light sensor here as pixmania promises. Empty full that hole over the display.
4. This stage is a little more difficult. Those feedings which go to the kylmäkatodi do not get loose before the virransyöttökortti has been irroittaa from the bottom of the case. The panel, however, itself cannot be lowered from that corner of 90 degrees right because those cables are liin, short. In other words a card must be held on on the second hand to the paneli and with other must be screwed loose.
5. Now one indeed will get at the panel then itself. A card off bottom of the panel (obviously singaalin is connected to the control somehow...). The Jesus tape is known apparently also in Chinese :) At this stage the only kämmi came which I confess. Those being up lattakaapelita the protected foil tape got to the tear :.)
6. It seems that there is no proper picture since this stage. Now a metal frame is irroittaa from around the panel. Päältä open 2 screws the rest of frame will and rise when one lifts edges with a chisel. After tft itself a panel can raise this away (kannta not without chick:). It is a a few millimetres thick glass and in the head the controller is again an electronics...
7. Now one frame (the figure shows already a tummennuskalvo in the space, therefore, so dark) will be again irroittaa. This time plastic blackens. One will leave extremely easily. Underneath valkosta is muddy 3 transparencies and a thin pleksi. Under Pleksi again kylmäkatodi themselves. In it that breaking indeed was. At the first time the time went quite long when one did not know immediately what next must be done. When, the otin from between too dark that transparency away for the time 45min (open and shut) went at another time.

Then I still served as a warehouse, ettimässä bilteman, a tummennuskalvo. 10-20% Pierces light which guessing was too little but something should be now tried when the display was open... In the following picture series transparency of a cutting (the first transparency was spoilt when by accident I cut it over the ink spot, a copying machine:). On there indeed are already pictures where the dark transparency is in the space. I did not keretä on the tummakalvo to catch like a few pictures of the display tolla. But dark and lifting of the clarity > 100 49% - % did not really have effect quite too, anything...

Experiment of the second transparency 1.2
Noniin now it was moved to a lighter transparency then when I reminisced about that sellastakin had to be a roll somewhere. Here the disadvantage was it, such as for example also in contact plastic that in transparency liimapinan on that kind of a paper. In that tummennuskalvo one had had viritellä, the transparent transparency so not. The available utensils did not become another to the mind like A3 in it, lamination plastic of the size. Also those were too small and 2kpl should be made and yes, an end of the result noticed it (the seam stayed between those 2 transparencies... :). In other words the transparency again left well out of the display, pikaseen. However, the one to be observed was that kuvatummeni from own mind conveniently. In other words a solution of the same style tollasta liimapintasta without the transparency would be an extremely good alternative.

Here pictures of the inverter if a wise one would know to where it could put the trimmer in-between so that a backlight could be quite rightly adjusted...

Project exchange of the foot:

BACKLIGHT 1.3 by ps86
Doddii and now ps86 has been at last found rautarakaisu in the action to too clear that backlight.
Discount codes pixmaniasta: Pixfi071201 and Joulua7 (over 300e from the purchase 7e away)
As payment alternatives; VISA, Mastercard, Solo, PayPal and account transfer. With the account transfer the transfer of money takes moderately long. In an own section 6 days (3 banking days) went.
Delivery costs pixmaniassa is 14 9e kustilla will promise within 3-5 days with ordinary. ON UPS 34,9 € will and promise within 1-2 days.
Does the order hold? http://keskustelu.plaza.fi/muropaketti/bbs/t514699,120#m1701539994 2vk will go by throwing if, chosen an account transfer and the slowest delivery. See that link so, it may take a long time, an indication.
Pistäkääs a display you already probably get praises and submissions here. Willingly with pictures. Somebody also could throw the Input lagista, shotit.
Good stated placings:
http://www.quickgamma.de/indexen.html (to the adjustment of the gamma)
http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ (the testing of placings a page)
http://www.easyrgb.com/calibrate.php?k0=index.HTML (a testing a page)
Vellu-83: (V.3 a panel)
Brightness 49 %
contrast 49 %
RED 62 %
BLUE 62%
Vellu-83 the second adjustments (edited gamma also):
gamma: (it seems that kys affects this. a display controller?) these adjusted quickgammalla
Brightness 52 %
Contrast 39 %
Blue 63%
Green 61%
Red 63 %
Miika: (y.3 a panel)
Brightness 35 %
Contrast 50 %
RED 65 %
BLUE 65%
Kolisp: (y.3 a panel)
Brightness 49 %
Contrast 40 %
Red 56 %
Green 54%
Blue 57%
gammas: (adjusted nvidian control from the paneli)
Red 36 %
Green 40%
Blue 47%
formaldehyde: (y.0 a panel)
Brightness: 49%
Contrast: 49%
Red: 62%
Green: 58%
Blue: 67%
e: typoja is its sights quite a lot there between the text. We shall take peas from them if one likes...
GB P35C-DS3R, 4x1Gb 800Mhz DDR2, GF8800GT, 2TBhd, P180B + Seasonic
500W, G15+G5, Vista Ultimate x64 on table 22", on wall 100" at corner